編號 Number
| WH033 | 中文名 Chinese Name | 板栗 | 英文名 English Name | Chinese Chestnut | 拉丁名 Latin Name
| Castanea mollissima Latin Name | 中文科名 Chinese Family Name | 殼斗科 | 英文科名 English Family Name | Fagaceae |
商用名或地區名Commercial And Local Name |
樹木及其分布 |
喬木(樹高10-25m,胸徑15-40cm) Tree ((height10-25m, Diameter at breast height15-40cm
| 樹皮中等厚(皮厚5-10mm) Bark thickness moderate (thickness 5-10mm)
| 外皮深縱裂(裂口寬度與深度>10mm) Outer bark deep longitudinal fissured
| 內皮石細胞片狀 Stone cell of bark piece-like
| 材表細長槽棱 Process fusiform fissures long and thin in log surface
| 中國西北 Northwest China
| 中國西南 Southwest China
| 中國東南沿海 Southeast China
| 中國華北 Northern China
| 中國華南 Southern China
木材構造特征 |
心邊材區別略明顯 Sapwood heartwood distinction slightly obvious
| 心材紅色或紅褐色 Heartwood red or red brown
| 邊材灰或灰白色 Sapwood gray or white gray
| 木材無特殊氣味 Wood non-characteristic odor
| 木材紋理直 Wood straight grain
| 木材結構粗 Wood coarse texture
| 木材重量中等(氣干密度0.56-0.75克/