干燥方法 drying methods 天然干燥 natural drying; natural seasoning
大氣干燥 air seasoning;air drying 強制氣干 forced air drying
人工干燥 artificial drying;artificial seasoning 室干 kiln drying;kiln seasoning .
常規干燥 conventional drying;usual drying 常溫干燥 normal temperature drying
高溫干燥 high temperature drying 低溫干燥 low temperature drying
過熱蒸汽干燥 super heated steam drying 爐氣干燥 furnace gas drying
特種干燥 special drying 除濕干燥 dehumidification drying
真空干燥 vacuum drying 太陽能干燥 solar drying solar-energy drying
高頻干燥 high frequency drying ; radio frequency drying
微波干燥 microwave drying 紅外線干燥 infra-red drying
加壓干燥 pressure drying 化學干燥 chemical drying
太陽能除濕干燥 solar-dehumidification drying
高頻真空除濕干燥 high frequency-vacuum and dehumidification drying
高頻真空干燥 high-frequency- vacuum drying
熱風干燥 hot-air drying 熏煙干燥 smoke drying
預干 predrying 再干 re-drying
木材干燥室 wood drying kiln 強制性循環干燥室 forced circulation kiln
自然循環干燥室 natural circulation (draught) kiln 周期式干燥室 compartment kiln
周期式強制循環干燥室 forced circulation compartment kiln
周期式自然循環干燥室 natural circulation compartment kiln
連續式干燥室 progressive kiln
連續式強制循環干燥室 forced circulation progressive kiln
連續式自然循環干燥室 natural circulation progressive kiln
空氣干燥室 air kiln 過熱蒸汽干燥室 superheated steam kiln
爐汽干燥室 furnance gas kiln 長(縱)軸型干燥室 line-shaft kiln
短(橫)軸型干燥室 cross-shaft kiln 側風機型干燥室 side-fan kiln
端風機型干燥室 end-fan kiln 噴氣型干燥室 jet kiln
除濕干燥室 dehumidification drying kiln 真空干燥室 vacuum dryer
間歇真空干燥機 alternate vacuum dryer 連續真空干燥機 continuous vacuum dryer
高頻真空干燥機 high frequency-vacuum dryer 太陽能干燥室solar drying kiln
太陽能除濕干燥室 solar-dehumidification drying kiln 微波干燥室 microwave dryer
紅外線干燥室 infra-red drying kiln 熱風干燥室 hot-air kiln
煙道干燥室 smoke channel kiln 熏煙干燥室 smoke drying kiln
單軌干燥室 single track kiln 雙軌干燥室 double track kiln
磚混凝土體干燥室 brick and concrete kiln 金屬殼體干燥室 all-metal kiln
預制組裝結構干燥室 pre-fabricated modular construction kiln
高溫干燥室 high temperature drying kiln 預干室 pre-dry kiln
干端 dry end 濕端 green end
進氣道 inlet air duct; fresh air duct; air inlet flue 排氣道 exhaust air duct
閘門 damper 導風板 baffle
氣道 vent 檢查門 inspection door
吊門 vertical lifting door 折疊門 folding door
拉門 sliding door 平滑管加熱器 heating coil made with plain pipe
肋形管加熱器 heat exchanger made with cast iron ribbed pipe
翅片管加熱器 heating coil made with fin pipe 噴蒸管 steam spray pipe
噴水器 water sprayer 疏水器 trap
供汽主管 main feed header 排水主管 drain header; discharger header
回水線路 water-return lines 單線車 single track truck
載料車truck 轉運車 transport truck
裝堆機 stacking machine 卸堆機 unstacking machine
干濕球溫度計 wet and dry bulb thermometer(psychrometer)
除濕器 dehumidifier 含水率電測計 electrical moisture content meter
干材庫 storage for dried t