上海谷靈環保材料有限公司創立于2002年5月,公司秉承用一傾秸桿,保一片森林,創綠色材料工業的企業理念,致力于無甲醛農作物秸桿板的開發和應用,達到減少自然資源浪費和環境保護的雙重優勢。Shanghai Guling Green Material Co., Ltd. was founded in May,2005. The company strictly adhere the doctrineUsing one hectare straw to protect a dense forest and create green material industry., taking up with development and application ofzero-formaldehydecrop straw, to reduce the natural resources waste and protect environment. 目前,公司采用英國康拜公司的先進生產技術,通過使用成本較低的農作物廢棄物-----秸桿,如麥秸,玉米秸,稻草等原料,同時采用無甲醛的環保異氰酸酯脂作為黏合劑,研制生產出谷靈環保均質板,并自主衍生研發出谷靈三聚氰胺貼面板、谷靈環保實木均質地板、谷靈優質吸音板。產品已廣泛的應用于家具業、室內裝修、包裝業、建筑業以及其他相關領域。在環保性能上,谷靈產品超過了歐洲的E0級和日本的F****級的標準,從根本上解除了甲醛釋放對環境的污染和對人類健康的危害。
At present, we are using the advanced technology from CS Process Engineering Ltd. by research and development, we have already produced theGuling homogeneous environmental-friendly boardwith the MDI as adhesive and the low cost agriculture waste ------straw as materials, such as wheat straw, maize straw and others. The products are widely used in furniture industry, interior decoration, packing industry, construction and other interrelated industry. On the environmental protection capability, theGulingproducts have already surpassed European E0 and Japanese F**** standard, the pollution to environment and harm to human beings by free-formaldehyde emission be basically solved.谷靈公司一貫秉承誠信服務社會,質量第一的企業理念,從而站穩市場。發展不忘用戶,谷靈始終認為質量是產品的生命,信譽是企業的基石。 谷靈以國際先進的設備技術、工藝流程、服務方式以及谷靈獨特的專業和敬業精神承載著每一位客戶的托付和信任。
Shanghai Guling Green Material Co., Ltd. always adhere the opinionTo provide services to society honestly, Quality is the first.So the products get a quite stable market. We never forget customer after development because we believeQuality is the life of products, Reputation is the foundation stone of the company.all along.
By the advanced equipment and technology, flow sheet, service method, uniqueGulingprofession and working spirit, we got trust and faith from every customer.