PS型材——納米塑木材料。PS型材是繼PVC發泡材料后新一代材料,完全替代木材。不僅完全保留了傳統木質裝飾材料的性能,更以其環保、輕穎、高強度、防腐、防蛙、堅固耐用等無可以擬的優點。 PS型材產品廣泛用于建筑建材、園林景觀、室內裝飾、公路、鐵路、地鐵、船舶、港口、碼頭、航空、廣告、禮品包裝、物流、車用部件、教學器材、體育器材、民用設施、市政設施、商業場所、家用電器及日常生活用品等領域。
PS shaped bar is a kind of wood-like nanometer plastic material. The new material, which succeeds PVC, can completely take the place of wood. It not only pocesses the all charecters of triditionnal wood , it also has more advantages which wood is unable to poecsses, such as environmental protection, novelty, burliness ,antisepsis,mothproof,everlasting,and so on .
PS shaped bar is widely used in architecture, horticulture, upholstery, highway,railway,subway,watercraft,ipen port, airport, advertising, packaging,logistic,vehicle, teaching equipments,gymnastic equipments,civil facilities,municitpal facilities,business sites,home electric applicances. articles for daily use and many other fields.
Shanghai Tianjie Plastics Co.,Ltd .has been engaged in the development and research projects of the PS bar materials in recent years,and gradually formed a complete set of new material series. At present,the new material has been confirmed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the Novelty Search Center of Shanghi,the PS nano-wood materials is considered as the leading domestic,international advanced scientific and technological innovation projects. In addition,and the project related to the development of product line innovation patent applications have been submitted to the State Intellectual Property Office,Patent applications have been submitted for the product line:PS foam materials,tub skite panels and the external wall cladding panels.Over time,more proprietary products will be introduced to the market and to all over the world.