杭州意向竹業有限公司成立于2002年,投資數千萬元,占地面積70,000多平方米,建立了世界一流的、現代化的竹地板生產基地,年產竹地板50萬平方米以上。 意向竹業擁有多名中高級技術人才和先進的生產技術工藝,從德國、臺灣引進成型加工生產線、UV油漆自動生產線等一流的制作設備,與原料供應基地建立穩定的戰略配套關系,確保原材料質優而穩定。
公司嚴格執行入廠(原料)檢驗、過程控制、出廠成品檢驗程序和其他相關品質保證的技術、工藝規定,生產過程中一律采用符合歐洲 E1 級環保標準的膠水和日本F☆☆☆☆膠水,使用德國產高耐磨 UV 油漆,制造出具有綠色環保特色、各項質量指標均高于中華人民共和國LY/T-1573-2000的高品質環保產品。
The first life from ancient times, after millions of yearsevolution, made the world filled with different kinds of living things, among which a kind of magical plant called bamboo subsists to multiply on the earth with its indomitable power over a long period of time. There are richest bamboo forest resources in our country, especially in Nanling mountainous areas, where Mao bamboo forest is the best one in the whole nation and even the whole world for its wide area, excellent material qualities and high outcome.The chemical composition of bamboo material is relatively complex, and a large number of researches indicate: Cellulose, half cellulose and lignin are the primary components of the bamboo cell wall, and they directly participate in the bamboo qualitative formation. These three materials constitute more than 90% of a bamboos weight. Owing to round column structure and its fiber form of bamboo, the material nature is fairly hard, strong, and dimensionally stable. It is the fastest growing type plant on this planet. It grows one third faster than the fastest growing tree. Botanically, bamboo is not a wood at all, but rather a grass. Bamboo is attractive as a building material because of its good qualities. Environmentally, its hard to argue with a wood-substitute that matures in three years, regenerates without need for replanting, and requires minimal fertilization or pesticides. In fact, these larger species of bamboo have been used in construction for thousands of years, and even in modern cities its not uncommon to see a large building being constructed from bamboo materialsTo develop the utilization of bamboo forest resources is an important way for forest development and ecological balance. Bamboo is really a gift to the mankind of nature