公司介紹 |
沈陽市皇姑區中興萬豐建材經銷處隸屬萬豐木材集團,集團創辦于1996年,是福建省下屬重點企業,公司總部座落于風光秀麗、交通便捷的福建沿海開放城市-----莆田,占地300000平方米,員工上千人,集團專業從事國際木材貿易,生產加工以及研發、生產、銷售各種園林木材及工程,經營木材包括:北美云杉、鐵杉、花旗松、俄羅斯紅松、落葉松、樟子松,新西蘭松以及東南亞等相關樹種,現已形成產供銷一體化集團企業。集團整合"萬豐"的品牌、網絡、資源優勢,以國際木材貿易為主營業務并銷售戶外園藝防腐抗菌木材及園藝系列產品,公司以最先進的ACQ、CCA對木材進行防腐、防白蟻、防火處理,技術符合美國AWPA標準。被福建省6.18項目評為高新技術企業。利用秀嶼港的天然良港資源,及國家級木材貿易加工示范區的政策優勢,將在國內樹立國際木材誠信供應商品牌,竭誠為國內外廣大木業相關企業提供木材的快捷、安全、優質的原材料倉儲配送服務! Wanfeng wood group was founded in 1996, is in Fujian Province under the key enterprises, the company headquarters is located in the beautiful scenery, convenient transportation of Fujian coastal open city - Putian, covers an area of 300000square meters, staff hundreds of people, group specialized in international timber trade, production and processing as well as R & D, production, sales of various garden wood and engineering, management wood include: hemlock, Douglas fir, spruce, pine, larch, Pinus sylvestris Russia, New Zealand pine and Southeast Asia and other related species, has been formed to produce unifinication of supply and marketing corporation. Integration of the group" Feng" brand, network, resource advantage, to the international timber trade as the main business and sales of outdoor gardening antiseptic wood and horticultural products, companies with the most advanced ACQ, CCA for preserving wood, termite, fire prevention, technology with the United States AWPA standard. Fujian province 6.18project was rated as high-tech enterprises. Xiuyu port to use natural harbour resources, and national trade in timber processing demonstration area of the policy advantages, will establish the international timber in the domestic suppliers brand integrity, dedication to the vast number of domestic and foreign wood industry related businesses to provide timber for fast, safe, high quality raw materials warehouse distribution services! |
福建莆田萬豐木業有限公司的更多資料 |
法人代表: |
1996 |
成立時間: |
1996年 |
注冊資金: |
1000萬人民幣 |
經營模式: |
生產商 |
年營業額: |
人民幣1 億元以上 |
員工人數: |
501 - 1000 人 |
注冊商標: |