商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
Found in 1980, ‘Delight’ deals with property developers, architects and contractors in supplying kitchen cabinet, fire-rated doors and wardrobe… etc. Most of the projects that we undertook were developed by the top-line developers in Hong Kong, such as Sun Hong Kai, Hutchison, HK housing department…etc. During the past few years, our business was able to expand to the overseas market, country such as Australia, Middle East and U.S.A. …etc. Based in Hong Kong, along with the production facilities in Don guan, a city in southern China that near Hong Kong. This strategic location in China enables us to maintain a competitive cost whilst enjoying the financial convenience as offered by Hong Kong, these factors has attributed to the remarkable prices of our products. As a priming company, we strongly believe that our survival is built not only upon price but also upon the quality. Delight has put a stringent quality control system in place and has implemented a long-term quality assurance strategy. Delight has been awarded internationally recognized [ISO: 9001: 2000 accreditations since 1995], a firm testimony of our achievement in quality assurance. Delight is well positioned to be your business partner to pursue your goals and we are set ready for your orders. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any enquiries. Thank you and best regards