商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
We are an enterprise that produces tropical wood (sanwood, flooring, S4S, deck, plywood and other) destined for export. We produce several species. We are established in Alta Floresta Municipality, extreme north of Mato Grosso State, legal Amazônia- North of Brazil. We use rational means exploration of forests’ resorts, without changing the natural cycles of supporting renewing; on the contrary, we contribute to accelerate this process, drawing back the big port trees of supported management projects’ areas authorized and fiscalizated by IBAMA (Federal Organ of Fiscalization), permitting that other smaller trees or its seeds can grow, doing the forest’s natural renewing. With the trees taken away and processed rationally, looking for the bigger profit of prostrated trunks, without wastefulness, reducing the volume of extracted wood of forest.