商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
山東匯源建材集團木業有限公司位于山東省壽光市臺頭工業園,總投資2000萬元,現有員工500人,其中工程技術人員60人。公司生產的板材系列產品和家具系列產品90%以上銷往美國、日本、韓國、澳大利亞、南非、西班牙、等十幾個國家和地區。 公司擁有膠合板、LVL、覆膜防水模板生產線六條,年產膠合板2萬立方米,LVL、LVB、1萬立米,覆膜防水模板1.2萬立方米。 公司擁有三聚氰胺貼面板生產線二條,年產貼面板80萬平方米,擁有家具和PVC真空覆膜生產線各一條,年產各類家具9000件套,PVC吸塑門板5萬平方米。 二十一世紀,全球經濟進入國際化時代,我們愿以“吸吶百川,攜手四海”的胸懷廣交天下朋友,不斷追求卓越,再創新的輝煌。 Shandong Huiyuan Building Materials Group Wood Industry Co.,Ltd. The co.is located in Taitou Industrical Zone,Shouguang City,Shandong Province.The total investment is over USD3000000.There are 500 workstaffs among which 60 persons are technician.More than 90% of its wood board and furniture products are exported to USA,Japan,South Korea,Australia,South Africa,Spain,Middle East,Europe,South America,etc. The co.can yearly produce plywood of 20000 cbm,LVL/LVB of 10000 cbm,film faced waterproof shutter plywood of 12000 cbm with 6 sets of advanced production lines. The co.has 2 lines of melamined lamination board with annual output of 800000 s.m., 1 funiture line with annual output of 9000 sets,1 PVC vacuum film faced line with annual output of 50000 s.m. cabinet door.Friends all over the world are warmly welcomed to do investments and business together on the basis of mutual benefit.