商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
上海林蒲木業有限公司是專業生產集成材、木線條及實木門等新產品的出口企業。占地26680m2、其中標準車間7000m2,職工宿舍1000m2,辦公樓1000m2,干燥窯500m2。 Shanghai Lin Pu wood industry limited company is the export enterprise specializing wood Integrated material, wood lines and real wooden door. Occupation of land 26680m2 ,7000m2 standard workshops among them,1000m2 staff quarterses,1000m2 ofice buildings,500m2 dry kiln. 公司擁有3條集成材生產流水線及木線條、實木門等產品的生產設備。還有5座大型蒸汽干燥窯,一次性可干燥板材600m3 公司具有多年的生產和管理經驗,采用臺灣進口的先進設備。整個生產工藝,如原木鋸板、自然干燥、人工干燥,以及絕干試驗、剝離試驗等,均能滿足客戶的需求。 The company has 3 assembly lines of the integrated material producing and other production equipment of wooden lines and real wooden door. It also has 5 large-scale steam drying kilns, they can try the plates 600m3 by on time . The company has production for many years and experience of management ,adopt the advanced equipment that Taiwan improted. Grow the craft of producing entirely ,can meet customer’sdemands , such as log saw board is dry naturally ,artificial and dry, and do and test definitely, strip and test etc. 多年來,公司依靠科技進步,不斷提高產品質量;通過新產品稅開發,逐步提高企業整體素質。公司秉承"追求卓越,面向未來"的思想,憑借先進的生產技術及優異的產品質量,正穩步向前健康發展。 For many years, the company has depended on the scientific and technological progress, improve product quality constantly, Through the development of the new products ,improve enterprise’s whole quality progressively. The company inherits the thought theory of "pursueing being outstanding and face the future", rely on the advanced production technology and excellent product quality ,develop in a healthy way forward steadily.