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公司介紹 |
V-ocean, a professional company that is committed to both manufacture and sale of wooden handicrafts for interior and exterior decoration. The company has been supplying the customers with four primary categories --- Hand-carved Woodworks, Marble Decorations, Decorative Hardwares and Functional Hardwares and many other decoration-related items. With more than thousand miscellaneous goods under the four categories, various needs for decoration can surely be satisfied at V-ocean. The superb combination of technical personnel in both designing and carving, as well as management in marketing with the finest network of dealers throughout China makes it possible to accomplish any special variations of the clients. All through these years, the company has given priority to gratifying service, preferential prices and most importantly, unparalleled quality so that the products have been sold to many parts of the world. V-ocean takes great pleasure in presenting our web-site before you. We count it as a great honor if you can see our products and find whatever meets your needs. Any way to contact us will be greatly appreciated.