商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
深圳市豐源貿易有限公司成立于1996年,主要從事藤家 具、戶外園林家具的貿易。產品針對海外市場,包括有藤桌椅,藤沙發,藤吊椅,木橋,木花盆,竹籬笆,木籬笆,拱門,木衣架,公園椅等等,過硬的質量、優質的服務已使我們的產品暢銷國外。 我們的產品:線條簡單明了,外型美觀大方,結合耐用 我們的服務:盡我們所能滿足客戶的產品要求<br> 我們的宗旨:優質的質量,優秀的服務,創造優異的成績 在推崇綠色環保的時代,相信我們的產品一定能滿足現代人的要求。 Established in 1996, Shenzhen Fengyuan Trading Co.,Ltd has been dealing in Rattan Furniture, Garden Furniture. Our products focus on overseas markets. Excellent quantity, good service make our products welcome overseas. Our products are, simple in line, nice in appearance, and durable in quality. Our services are, trying our best to meet customers need. Our tenets are, getting outstanding achievement based on excellent quality and good service. In the age of environment protection, we believe that our products will be more welcome in the world.