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達爾木業是西伯利亞樺木板材的專業生產廠家。 達爾木業由中國大連國際經濟技術合作集團投資,在世界聞名遐邇的優質原生樺木集散地西伯利亞設廠。作為樺木規格板的專業生產企業,我們的產品具備以下特點:(1)出自大徑級(24cm)以上、高硬度密度、節疤少的優質天然樺木;(2)含水率低、厚度誤差小、彎曲度低,在同類產品中有比較優勢;(3)產品規格、等級齊全,最優可達AAA級。 目前,達爾木業已憑借高品質的產品和穩定的貨源供給成為多家家具出口企業的長期供貨商。為了發展,達爾木業在尋求真正懂得和需要樺木的人與我們合作,因為你是我們客觀的評價者,你是我們的價值所在。 Sibdalles Sawmill—specialized manufacturer of birch specs.. Sibdalles Sawmill, owned by China Dalian International Economics & Technology Cooperative Group Ltd., is one of the few Chinese entrepreneurs who locate their factories in Sibria, which is announced as the centre of high quality original white birch. As a birch specs. specialist, Sibdalles Sawmill is very selective in material and strict in the manufacturing procedure. It can not only offer bespoken service to clients, but also ensure a sustainable supply chain in the long turn. Up to now Sibdalles Sawmill has become a regular birch specs. supplier of quite a few furniture-exporting companies. For the purpose of further development, Sibdalles is searching for people who really know, and need birch, because you are good evaluators, you are where our values lie.