商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
眉山和盛竹業有限公司主要致力于綠色環保的竹家居產品系列的開發、生產、銷售為一體的實業公司。 The Hong-Kong HeSheng Co. is the authorized institution for analyzing and producing bamboo furniture. As the branch company of Hong-Kong HeSheng, the Meishan HeSheng Co. has opened up for aiming at not only developing and producing but also sale a series of natural Moso bamboo furnishings. 公司現已開發全天然楠竹櫥柜系列、全天然楠竹浴室柜系列、全天然楠竹套裝門系列以及其它全天然楠竹家居產品。和盛竹業有限公司是目前少數專業生產竹櫥柜、竹浴室柜、竹套裝門的企業之一。 Till now, Meishan HeSheng had developed a wide range of house furniture, such as cupboard, bath cabinet, stair, gate, and so on, and HeSheng remains as the minimal producer of former goods in abroad. 和盛竹系列產品原材料采用4---8年生天然優質楠竹。設計獨特、外觀精致、紋理清晰、色調高雅;具有防柱、防腐、不易變形等特性,堪稱“綠色環保家居”產品之典范。產品遠銷歐州、美州及全國各地。 When producing, we adopted the 4-8-year-old bamboo as the raw material on the reason of not only fine quality, exquisite appearance, clear grain, elegance hue, but also mothproof, anti-corrosion, anti-friction, and anti-trans-shape. Therefore, HeSheng get the good model of saying “reen Environmental Furniture” The goods had been exported to Europe, American mainly. 眉山和盛竹業秉承“與自然共呼吸”的企業的理念,“成竹在胸,守信如節”的誠信觀念。以精湛工藝、優質材料、合理價格、優質服務、不斷更新產品,歐美風格與中華藝術為一體,樹立品牌、引導潮流,打造竹文化頂尖品牌。我們致力于為更多的家庭營造一個健康、優美的室內環境。 HeSheng takes “peace living with nature” as its soul concept, takes “ be trust itself, honest trading with client” as its business belief. In order to build the top-brand in bamboo field, HeSheng had tried a lot to perfect progress, advantage raw material, make price reasonable, and absorb the Europe and American style to renew and fit the requirement of client. The final target of HeSheng is to build a health, elegance, and green environmental home for each family.