商鋪公告 |
公司介紹 |
公司建位于花亭湖邊上湖北與安徽交界處<大別山區>木材豐富.公司以發展到三個以.芯板為主的分公司常年生產木片和單板。北中廠今年11月分就可以生產.主要生產貼面板.另外公司還有杉木以及板材供應,希望廣大用戶洽談合作,,產品暢銷全國并且公司承諾外運證件由公司負責或者您到公司提貨。公司也可以根據您規格的需要而生產。公司自成立來不斷努力經營。始終以市場為導向,以實實在在的質量贏得信譽。 公司堅持以“人”為本,以“求實創新、團結拼搏、精益求精、與時俱進”為企業精神,以“誠信、務實、雙贏”為企業經營理念,以“做強做大 創一流品牌”為企業經營目標。 公司本著以“木”為本、腳踏實地的創業精神,與業內人士誠信合作、共同發展,公司總經理:何長春恭祝:新老客戶及全體員工身體健康,合家歡樂.歡迎廣大客戶洽談合作并且希望您與之聯系. AnHui TaiHu ChangChun Wood Industry Co.,Ltd was founded in the beginning of 1998.Now our company covers 50 thousand sq.m.of floor space,20 thousand sq.m of building space.We have RMB25 million of fixed assets, 10 thousand mou of forested area, Annual amount of wood is 2500 cubic meters. Now we have more than 200 workers, 12 technicans, advanced equipment, strong technical force. Under the lead of president,hechangchun, we constantly carrying forward the operation principle of "faithful to all" principle the tenet of "Credit and Quality come first". We welcome all customers from home and abroad to make cooperation with us , basing on high-class quality, reasonable price and circumspect service.